LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example Appointment: CDM Appointment Example

Generated Narrative: Appointment

Resource Appointment "AppointmentExample"

Information Source:!

Profile: CDM Appointment

identifier: Source System Row Identifier: 7e5ce175-e626-43ec-b8d2-9c1c1207e9ba(use: OFFICIAL)

status: booked

serviceCategory: 17 (unknown#17)

serviceType: 367 (unknown#367)

specialty: General medicine (SNOMED CT#394802001)

appointmentType: A routine check-up, such as an annual physical (appointmentReason#CHECKUP)

reasonCode: Benign essential hypertension (SNOMED CT#1201005)

start: Apr 15, 2020, 9:00:00 AM

end: Apr 15, 2020, 9:15:00 AM

minutesDuration: 15

created: 2020-04-01 11:45:00+0000

comment: Patient medications working as expected. DM under control. Refill Bytolic and Valartan.

patientInstruction: Take your meds every day. Excercise more, eat less!


actor: Patient/CDMPatientInstance " MCLASTNAME"

required: required

status: accepted


type: primary performer (ParticipationType#PPRF)

actor: Practitioner/DrKelly " KELLY"

required: required

status: accepted

period: 2020-04-15 09:00:00+0000 --> 2020-04-15 09:15:00+0000


actor: Location/KellyClinic "Kelly Clinic"

required: required

status: accepted

period: 2020-04-15 09:00:00+0000 --> 2020-04-15 09:15:00+0000