LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Engagement Communication Status Reason Codes

Official URL: Version: 8.0.0
Active as of 2022-11-10 Computable Name: EngagementCommunicationStatusReasonCodeSystem

Status codes detailing the reason and status history for an Engagement communication.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

email-pending In-Process - Email delivery pendingEmail in-progress, delivery is pending.
email-queued In-Process - Email queuedEmail in-progress, queued.
response-queued In-Process - Response queuedCommunication in-progress, response has been queued.
response-sent In Process - Response sentCommunication in-progress, response has been sent.
sms-queued In-Process - SMS text queuedSMS text in-progress, queued.
sms-sending In-Process - Sending SMS textSMS text in-progress, sending.
waiting-to-deliver In-Process - Waiting to deliverCommunication in-progress, waiting to deliver.
email-bounced Unsuccessful - Email bouncedEmail unsuccessful, attempted email communication bounced due to invalid email.
email-complaint Unsuccessful - Email complaintEmail unsuccessful, email was sent to spam or junk folder, or had similar complaint.
email-delivery-unsuccessful Unsuccessful - Email delivery failedEmail unsuccessful, attempted delivery failed.
response-failed Unsuccessful - Response failedCommunication unsuccessful, response failed.
retries-exceeded Unsuccessful - Retries exceededCommunication unsuccessful, retry attempts exceeded.
sms-failed Unsuccessful - SMS text failedUnsuccessful, SMS text communication failed.
sms-stopped Unsuccessful - SMS text stoppedUnsuccessful, SMS text has been stopped.
unsuccessful-other Unsuccessful - OtherCommunication unsuccessful, other. This may occur due to global or product opt-out, or error sending communication.
email-clicked Successful - Email clickedEmail clicked by the recipient.
email-confirmed Successful - Email delivery confirmedEmail delivery was confirmed by the vendor
email-opened Successful - Email openedEmail opened by the recipient.
email-sent Successful - Email sentEmail sent successfully.
response-delivered Successful - Response deliveredCommunication response delivered successfully.
sms-sent Successful - SMS text sentSMS text sent successfully.