LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Patient Importance Codes

Official URL: Version: 8.0.0
Active as of 2022-11-10 Computable Name: PatientImportanceCodeSystem

Patient status code examples

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

bad-debt Bad DebtPatient is in collections or has uncollected or overdue payments on account
do-not-contact Do Not ContactPatient is flagged to prevent automated communications
no-comm-health-reminder No Communication - Health RemindersPatient is falgged to prevent the communication of health reminders
no-comm-privacy No Communication - Specific Privacy ConcernsPatient is flagged with specific privary concerns (example HIV, Mental Health, patients)