LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example Coverage: Coverage Deceased Example

Generated Narrative: Coverage

Resource Coverage "CoverageDeceasedExample"

Information Source:!

Profile: CDM Coverage

Age and Gender Groups: Males 50-54 yr (Age and Gender Group Codes#13)

Snapshot Age In Years: 50

Cobra Indicator: N

Coverage Month: 2000-06-01

Enrollment PCP: EnrollmentPCP1

Employee Company: LocalEmpCompany (local-employee-company#LocalEmpCompany)

Employee Cost Center: LocalEmpCostCenter (local-employee-cost-center#LocalEmpCostCenter)

Employee Status: Early Retiree (payer Employee Status Codes#3)

Employee Business Unit: EmpBusUnit (local-employee-business-unit#EmpBusUnit)

Job Class Code: jobclass (local-job-class-code#jobclass)

Salary Indicator: Y

Union Worker Indicator: N

Medicare Indicator: N

identifier: Source System Row Identifier: c35466d6-0d2b-4efa-8265-b9ac3f887e08(use: OFFICIAL)

status: active

subscriberId: encryp-familyid-98321

beneficiary: Patient/CDMPatientInstance " MCLASTNAME"

relationship: Self (SubscriberPolicyholder Relationship Codes#self)

period: 2000-01-01 --> 2000-10-31



*Election Tier (Payer Coverage Class Codes#election-tier)Self