Class PostgresFillfactorSettingDAO

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PostgresFillfactorSettingDAO
    extends Object
    implements IDatabaseStatement
    This DAO changes the fillfactor settings on the given PostgreSQL table. The fillfactor can be used to leave free space in the database block structures for more efficient updates at the cost of additional space usage. In case you are wondering, we use "PostgresFillfactor" not "PostgresFillFactor" because the "fillfactor" property name is a single word.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PostgresFillfactorSettingDAO

        public PostgresFillfactorSettingDAO​(String schema,
                                            String tableName,
                                            int fillfactor)
        Alters the fillfactor setting for PostgreSQL tables
        schema -
        tableName -
        fillfactor -