Class FHIRRestBundleHelper

  • public class FHIRRestBundleHelper
    extends Object
    Helper for processing bundle entries. Does not perform any persistence operations, but instead helps to translate the request into a FHIRRestInteraction implementation which can be executed at a later time.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FHIRRestBundleHelper

        public FHIRRestBundleHelper​(FHIRResourceHelpers helpers)
        Public constructor
        helpers -
    • Method Detail

      • translateBundleEntries

        public List<FHIRRestInteraction> translateBundleEntries​(Bundle requestBundle,
                                                                Map<Integer,​Bundle.Entry> validationResponseEntries,
                                                                boolean failFast,
                                                                String bundleRequestCorrelationId,
                                                                boolean skippableUpdates)
                                                         throws Exception
        Translate each bundle entry into a FHIRRestOperation implementation which can then be executed in a particular order. No persistance operations are performed at this stage.
        requestBundle - the bundle containing the request entries
        validationResponseEntries - the response entries with errors/warnings constructed during validation
        failFast - a boolean value indicating if processing should stop on first failure
        bundleRequestCorrelationId - the bundle request correlation ID
        skippableUpdates - if true, and the bundle contains an update for which the resource content in the update matches the existing resource on the server, then skip the update; if false, then always attempt the updates specified in the bundle
        a list of FHIRRestInteraction objects to be processed in order