CodeSystemDAO |
This Data Access Object interface defines APIs specific to parameter_names table.
This is a root interface for child Data Access Object interfaces.
FhirRefSequenceDAO |
Enables the next value to be retrieved from the ref sequence.
FhirSequenceDAO |
gets the next value in the database's FHIR_SEQUENCE sequence
ICommonTokenValuesCache |
An interface for a cache of code system and related token values.
IIdNameCache<T> |
Interface to a cache mapping an id of type T to a string.
INameIdCache<T> |
Interface to a cache mapping a string to a value of type T.
IResourceReferenceDAO |
Contract for DAO implementations handling persistence of
resource references (and token parameters) with the
normalized schema introduced in issue 1366.
IResourceTypeMaps |
Interface providing lookups of resource type by name or id
JDBCIdentityCache |
Provides access to all the identity information we need when processing
resources and their parameters
ParameterDAO |
This Data Access Object interface defines methods for creating, updating,
and retrieving rows in the IBM FHIR Server parameter-related tables.
ParameterNameDAO |
This Data Access Object interface defines APIs specific to parameter_names table.
ResourceDAO |
This Data Access Object interface provides methods creating, updating, and retrieving rows in the FHIR Resource tables.