public void parseArgs(String[] args)
Parse the command line arguments
--cosapikey: the IBM COS API key or S3 access key.
--cossrvinstid: the IBM COS service instance id or S3 secret key.
--cosendpointurl: the IBM COS or S3 End point URL.
--coslocation: the IBM COS or S3 location.
--cosbucketname: the IBM COS or S3 bucket name to import from.
--coscredentialibm: if use IBM credential(Y/N), default(Y).
--cosfiletobreak: the file(COS/S3 object) to break.
--numberoffiles: how many pieces (COS/S3 objects) to break into.
--numberoftotalresources: the total number of distinct FHIR resources we want to include in the target files.
used only when segBySize is 'N'(by number of records).
--segbysize: break the file by file size(default) or by number of records("N").
(1) if by file size, then we get the total file size from the object meta directly,
and each piece with size close to (total-file-size/numberOfFiles).
(2) if by number of records
(a) with numberOfTotalResources, then each piece has (numberOfTotalResources/numberOfFiles) distinct FHIR
(b) without numberOfTotalResources, then we go thought the COS/S3 once to get the total record number, then each
will have (total-record-number/numberOfFiles) lines in it.
- Parameters: