Class DerbyResourceDAO

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FHIRDbDAO, ResourceDAO

    public class DerbyResourceDAO
    extends ResourceDAOImpl
    Data access object for writing FHIR resources to an Apache Derby database.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DerbyResourceDAO

        public DerbyResourceDAO​(Connection connection,
                                String schemaName,
                                FHIRDbFlavor flavor,
                                TransactionSynchronizationRegistry trxSynchRegistry)
        Derby is not only used for unit tests, but can also be used to provide persistence for a stand-alone full FHIR server.
        strat - the connection strategy
        trxSynchRegistry -
    • Method Detail

      • storeResource

        public long storeResource​(String tablePrefix,
                                  List<ExtractedParameterValue> parameters,
                                  String p_logical_id,
                                  byte[] p_payload,
                                  Timestamp p_last_updated,
                                  boolean p_is_deleted,
                                  String p_source_key,
                                  Integer p_version,
                                  Connection conn,
                                  ParameterDAO parameterDao)
                           throws Exception
        Store the resource in the database, creating a new logical_resource entry if this is the first version of this resource, or creating a new resource entry if this a new version of an existing logical resource. The logic tracks closely the DB2 stored procedure implementation, including locking of the logical_resource and handling concurrency issues using the standard insert-or-update pattern:
           SELECT FOR UPDATE                 -- try and get a write lock
           IF NOT FOUND THEN                 -- doesn't exist, so we don't have a lock
             INSERT new logical resource     -- create the record - if OK, we own the lock
             IF DUPLICATE THEN               -- someone else beat us to the create
               SELECT FOR UPDATE             -- so we need to try again for a write lock
        This works because we never delete a logical_resource record, and so don't have to deal with concurrency issues caused when deletes are mingled with inserts/updates Note the execution flow aligns very closely with the DB2 stored procedure implementation (fhir-persistence-schema/src/main/resources/add_any_resource.sql)
        tablePrefix -
        parameters -
        p_logical_id -
        p_payload -
        p_last_updated -
        p_is_deleted -
        p_source_key -
        p_version -
        the resource_id for the entry we created
      • deleteFromParameterTable

        protected void deleteFromParameterTable​(Connection conn,
                                                String tableName,
                                                long logicalResourceId)
                                         throws SQLException
        Delete all parameters for the given resourceId from the parameters table
        conn -
        tableName -
        logicalResourceId -
      • getResourceTypeId

        protected Integer getResourceTypeId​(String resourceTypeName,
                                            Connection conn)
                                     throws SQLException
        Read the id for the named type
        resourceTypeName -
        the database id, or null if the named record is not found
      • getOrCreateResourceType

        public int getOrCreateResourceType​(String resourceTypeName,
                                           Connection conn)
                                    throws SQLException
        stored-procedure-less implementation for managing the resource_types table
        resourceTypeName -