CheckpointUserData |
Checkpoint data representing the state of the basic system export job
ExportJobListener |
ExportPartitionAnalyzer |
ExportPartitionCollector |
Final step which is executed after the individual partitions have completed
or the job has been terminated.
NopWriter |
For the fast system export implementation, all processing is handled inside the ResourcePayloadReader
so the writer here is simply a NOP.
PartitionSummary |
The final status of a job partition.
ResourceExportCheckpointAlgorithm |
Bulk export fast implementation - custom checkpoint algorithm.
ResourcePayloadData |
A container holding the raw payload for a single resource.
ResourcePayloadReader |
A high-performance version of the bulk-export job which doesn't support typeFilter and so
can use a more efficient mechanism to page through the set of resources filtered by _lastModified.
TransientUserData |
Used to share state information among partition processing objects
such as the ResourcePayloadReader and ExportPartitionCollector.