Interface FHIRPersistence

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FHIRPersistence
    This interface defines the contract between the FHIR Server's REST API layer and the underlying persistence layer that is responsible for interacting with a particular datastore to manage instances of FHIR Resources.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        <T extends ResourceSingleResourceResult<T> create​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                                            T resource)
                                                     throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Stores a new FHIR Resource in the datastore.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        resource - the FHIR Resource instance to be created in the datastore
        a SingleResourceResult with a copy of resource with Meta fields updated by the persistence layer and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • read

        <T extends ResourceSingleResourceResult<T> read​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                                          Class<T> resourceType,
                                                          String logicalId)
                                                   throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Retrieves the most recent version of a FHIR Resource from the datastore.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        resourceType - the resource type of the Resource instance to be retrieved
        logicalId - the logical id of the Resource instance to be retrieved
        a SingleResourceResult with the FHIR Resource that was retrieved from the datastore and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • vread

        <T extends ResourceSingleResourceResult<T> vread​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                                           Class<T> resourceType,
                                                           String logicalId,
                                                           String versionId)
                                                    throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Retrieves a specific version of a FHIR Resource from the datastore.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        resourceType - the resource type of the Resource instance to be retrieved
        logicalId - the logical id of the Resource instance to be retrieved
        versionId - the version of the Resource instance to be retrieved
        a SingleResourceResult with the FHIR Resource that was retrieved from the datastore and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • update

        <T extends ResourceSingleResourceResult<T> update​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                                            String logicalId,
                                                            T resource)
                                                     throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Updates an existing FHIR Resource by storing a new version in the datastore.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        logicalId - the logical id of the FHIR Resource to be updated
        resource - the new contents of the FHIR Resource to be stored
        a SingleResourceResult with a copy of resource with fields updated by the persistence layer and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • delete

        default <T extends ResourceSingleResourceResult<T> delete​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                                                    Class<T> resourceType,
                                                                    String logicalId)
                                                             throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Deletes the specified FHIR Resource from the datastore.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        resourceType - The type of FHIR Resource to be deleted.
        logicalId - the logical id of the FHIR Resource to be deleted
        a SingleResourceResult with the FHIR Resource that was deleted or null if the specified resource doesn't exist and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • history

        <T extends ResourceMultiResourceResult<T> history​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                                            Class<T> resourceType,
                                                            String logicalId)
                                                     throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Retrieves all of the versions of the specified FHIR Resource.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        resourceType - the resource type of the Resource instances to be retrieved
        logicalId - the logical id of the Resource instances to be retrieved
        a MultiResourceResult with a list containing the available versions of the specified FHIR Resource and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • search

        MultiResourceResult<Resource> search​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                                             Class<? extends Resource> resourceType)
                                      throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Performs a search on the specified target resource type using the specified search parameters.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request
        resourceType - the resource type which is the target of the search
        a MultiResourceResult with the list of FHIR Resources in the search result set and/or an OperationOutcome with hints, warnings, or errors related to the interaction
      • isTransactional

        boolean isTransactional()
        Returns true iff the persistence layer implementation supports transactions.
      • getHealth

        OperationOutcome getHealth()
                            throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Returns an OperationOutcome indicating the current status of the persistence store / backend
        An OperationOutcome with a list of 0 or more OperationalOutcomeIssue indicating the status of the underlying datastore
      • getTransaction

        FHIRPersistenceTransaction getTransaction()
        Returns a FHIRPersistenceTransaction object associated with the persistence layer implementation in use. This can then be used to control transactional boundaries.
      • isDeleteSupported

        default boolean isDeleteSupported()
        Returns true iff the persistence layer implementation supports the "delete" operation.
      • generateResourceId

        String generateResourceId()
        Generates a resource ID.
        resource ID
      • isReindexSupported

        default boolean isReindexSupported()
        Returns true iff the persistence layer implementation supports the "reindex" special operation
      • reindex

        int reindex​(FHIRPersistenceContext context,
                    OperationOutcome.Builder operationOutcomeResult,
                    Instant tstamp,
                    String resourceLogicalId)
             throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Initiates reindexing for resources not yet processed. Limits the number of resources processed to resourceCount. The number processed is returned in the OperationOutcome. This can be used by a controller to continue processing until everything is complete. Increasing resourceCount reduces the number of calls required to reindex an entire database, but larger values risk exceeding the transaction timeout. Values around 100 are a good starting point for most systems.
        context - the FHIRPersistenceContext instance associated with the current request.
        operationOutcomeResult - accumulate issues in this Builder
        tstamp - reindex any resources with an index_tstamp less than this.
        resourceLogicalId - optional resourceType/logicalId value to reindex a specific resource
        count of the number of resources reindexed by this call (0 or 1)
      • fetchResourcePayloads

        ResourcePayload fetchResourcePayloads​(Class<? extends Resource> resourceType,
                                              Instant fromLastModified,
                                              Instant toLastModified,
                                              Function<ResourcePayload,​Boolean> process)
                                       throws FHIRPersistenceException
        Special function for high speed export of resource payloads. The process function must process the InputStream before returning. Result processing will be stopped if the process function returns Boolean FALSE.
        resourceType - the resource type which is the target of the search
        fromLastModified - start reading from this timestamp
        fromResourceId - start reading from this resourceId if provided (can be null)
        toLastModified - do not read beyond this timestamp
        spanSeconds - max number of seconds to include fromLastModified
        process - function to process each payload record
        the last ResourcePayload processed, or null if no data was found