ACosExpNode |
The ACOS SQL function
AddExpNode |
Addition node
AdditiveExpNode |
Base for all additive type expressions
AndExpNode |
Addition node
BetweenExpNode |
Addition node
BigDecimalBindMarkerNode |
A bind marker representing a BigDecimal value
BinaryExpNode |
A binary expression for addition, multiplication, comparison etc
BindMarkerNode |
Represents a bind variable marker (?) in a SQL expression
CoalesceExpNode |
The COALESCE SQL function
ColumnExpNode |
Represents a reference to a table column or alias in an expression
ComparativeExpNode |
Base for all comparative type expressions (<, <=, >, >=)
CosExpNode |
The COS SQL function
DivExpNode |
Division expression node
DoubleBindMarkerNode |
A bind marker representing a Double value
DoubleExpNode |
A literal Double
EqExpNode |
Equals node
EqualityExpNode |
Base for all equality type expressions
EscapeExpNode |
Represents an ESCAPE '+' expression in a SQL predicate expression
for use with LIKE
ExistsExpNode |
Represents an EXISTS ( |
GreaterEqExpNode |
Greater than or equal to expression node
GreaterExpNode |
Greater than expression node
InListExpNode |
Represents an IN list where list is a list of expression nodes (supports different
node types and bind markers).
InstantBindMarkerNode |
A bind marker representing a Instant value
IntegerBindMarkerNode |
A bind marker representing an Integer value
IsNotNullExpNode |
Represents IS NOT NULL in a SQL expression
IsNullExpNode |
Represents IS NULL in a SQL expression
LeftParenExpNode |
Represents a left paren when parsing an expression
LessEqExpNode |
Less than or equal to expression node
LessExpNode |
Less than expression node
LikeExpNode |
Represents a {col} LIKE {string-exp} | {bind-var} in a SQL predicate expression
LiteralExpNode |
Base of literal values in the expression tree
LongBindMarkerNode |
A bind marker representing a nullable Long value
LongExpNode |
A literal Long.
MultExpNode |
Multiplication expression node
MultiplicativeExpNode |
Base for all multiplicative type expressions
NeqExpNode |
Not Equals node
NotExistsExpNode |
Represents a NOT EXISTS ( |
NotExpNode |
Represents a NOT in a SQL predicate expression
OperatorNode |
An expression node which is an operator (as opposed to an operand).
OrExpNode |
OR expression node
ParenExpNode |
An expression contained within parens
PredicateParser |
Basically follows Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm to ensure
correct handling of operator precedence as the expression nodes
are added
RightParenExpNode |
Represents a right paren when parsing an expression
SelectExpNode |
Wraps a Select statement in an expression tree
SinExpNode |
The SIN SQL function
StringBindMarkerNode |
A bind marker representing a String value
StringExpNode |
A literal string
SubExpNode |
Subtraction expression node
UnaryExpNode |
A unary expression