Class CodeSystemsCache

  • public class CodeSystemsCache
    extends Object
    This class provides a static cache for FHIR Systems that are part of Token type Search parameters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CodeSystemsCache

        public CodeSystemsCache()
    • Method Detail

      • getCodeSystemId

        public static Integer getCodeSystemId​(String systemName)
        Retrieves the id for the passed system, for the current tenant-datastore. If not found, null is returned.
        parameter - The name of a code system
        Integer The id corresponding to the passed code system
      • putCodeSystemId

        public static void putCodeSystemId​(String tenantDatastoreCacheName,
                                           String systemName,
                                           Integer systemId)
        Adds the passed code system name and id to the current tenant-datastore cache.
        tenantDatastoreCacheName - The name of the datastore-specific cache the entry should be added to.
        systemName - A valid code system name.
        systemId - The id associated with the passed code system name.
      • putCodeSystemIds

        public static void putCodeSystemIds​(String tenantDatastoreCacheName,
                                            Map<String,​Integer> newCodeSystems)
        Adds the passed code system name/id pairs to the the current tenant-datastore cache.
        tenantDatastoreCacheName - The name of the datastore-specific cache the entry should be added to.
        newParameters - A Map containing code system name/id pairs.
      • getCacheNameForTenantDatastore

        public static String getCacheNameForTenantDatastore()
        Returns a String containing a combination of the current tenantId and datastoreId.
      • dumpCacheContents

        public static String dumpCacheContents()
        String - A formatted representation of the entire cache managed by this class.
      • reportCacheDiscrepancies

        public static String reportCacheDiscrepancies​(ParameterDAO dao)
        Determines and reports any discrepancies between the current thread's Code Systems cache and the contents of the database CODE_SYSTEMS table.
        dao - A Parameter DAO instance
        String - A report detailing cache/db discrepancies.
      • isEnabled

        public static boolean isEnabled()
      • setEnabled

        public static void setEnabled​(boolean newEnabled)