CacheUpdater |
This is an abstract base class encapsulating functionality related to adding entries to a
JDBC PL in-memory cache.
CacheUtil |
Encapsulates a group of utility methods for managing and diagnosing the in-memory caches used by the JDBC PL.
CanonicalSupport |
Support class for processing query parameter data extracted from resources.
CodeSystemsCache |
This class provides a static cache for FHIR Systems that are part of Token type Search parameters.
CodeSystemsCacheUpdater |
This cache update writes its Code Systems cache candidates to the CodeSystemsCache upon a transaction commit.
ExtractedSearchParameters |
Contains a list of extracted search parameters and a Base64-encoded hash.
IncludeExtension |
A SearchExtension used to add InclusionParameter filters to the
include query.
JDBCParameterBuildingVisitor |
This class is the JDBC persistence layer implementation for transforming
SearchParameters into Parameter Data Transfer Objects.
NewQueryBuilder |
This is the JDBC implementation of a query builder for the IBM FHIR Server
JDBC persistence layer schema.
NewUriModifierUtil |
Encapsulates logic for building an expression for handling URI matching
according to the FHIR R4 specification.
ParameterHashVisitor |
Compute a cryptographic hash of the visited parameters.
ParameterNamesCache |
This class provides a static cache for FHIR Search Parameter names.
ParameterNamesCacheUpdater |
This cache updater writes its Parameter Names cache candidates to the ParameterNamesCache upon a transaction commit.
ParameterTableSupport |
Support functions for managing the search parameter value tables
ResourceTypesCache |
This class provides a static cache for FHIR Resource type names.
ResourceTypesCacheUpdater |
This cache updater writes its Resource Types cache candidates to the ResourceTypesCache upon a transaction commit.
RevIncludeExtension |
SearchExtension for building _revinclude queries
SqlParameterEncoder |
Provides custom encoding and escaping functions for use by the JDBCQueryBuilder.
TimestampPrefixedUUID |
Provides identity strings using random UUID for uniqueness but
prefixed with an encoded time string to improve database locality
when used in b-tree indexes.
UriModifierUtil |
WholeSystemDataExtension |
A SearchExtension used to add whole-system data search filters to the
whole-system data query.
WholeSystemResourceTypeExtension |
A SearchExtension used to add resource type id filters to the
whole-system count and data filter queries when the _type parameter
is specified.