Db2Adapter |
Implementation of our database adapter which provides implementation of control
functions specific to DB2 for things like schema and partition management
Db2AddTablePartition |
DB2 Add Table Partition
Db2AddTableToStaging |
DB2 Adds table to staging
Db2AdminCommand |
Reorg the schema.table
Db2CatalogAccess |
Abstracts the partition maintenance operations to facilitate better unit testing
of the higher business function layers
Db2CatalogDAO |
Access to the DB2 catalog tables
Db2CheckCompatibility |
Checks Compatibility with the DB2 Implementation that is used.
Db2CreateTablespace |
Creates the DB2 Table Space
Db2DetachTablePartition |
DB2 DetatchTable Partition
Db2DropTablespace |
Drops the DB2 Tablespace
Db2GetPartitionInfo |
Functional wrapper to get the catalog information
Db2GetTableInfo |
DAO to fetch the current value of FHIR_ADMIN.SV_TENANT_ID.
Db2GetTenantVariable |
DAO to fetch the current value of FHIR_ADMIN.SV_TENANT_ID.
Db2PartitionControl |
Business logic to add new partitions to the given table
Db2PropertyAdapter |
An adapter for DB2 properties
Db2Reorg |
Reorg the schema.table
Be sure to complete all database operations and release all locks before you invoke REORG.
Db2SetTenantVariable |
DAO command to call the set_tenant fhir admin procedure which will set the
fhir_admin.sv_tenant_id variable but only if the correct tenantKey is
Db2TableInfo |
Some metadata about a table, read from the DB2 catalog
Db2Translator |
Handles translation of statements/fragments etc specific to DB2