CallTimeMetric |
Simple mechanism to track how much time we're spending in various calls
ConfigurationService |
The ConfigurationService is used by the FHIR Server to retrieve JSON-based configuration data.
ConfigurationService.EnvironmentVariables |
Utility class that allows mocking system environment variables retrieval in test classes (as Mockito disallows
mocking static methods of System ).
DefaultFHIRConfigProvider |
Obtain configuration properties from the standard (file-based)
FHIRConfiguration implementation.
FHIRConfigHelper |
This class contains a set of static helper methods related to configuration parameters.
FHIRConfiguration |
This class serves up a singleton instance of ConfigurationService containing the FHIR Server's configuration.
FHIRRequestContext |
This class is used to hold FHIR REST API context information.
FHIRRequestContextTenantIdProvider |
A tenant id provider that gets the tenant id from the request context
MetricHandle |
Measure the time of a call and accumulate that time in the attached
CallTimeMetric when this handle is closed.
PropertyGroup |
This class represents a collection of properties - a property group.
PropertyGroup.PropertyEntry |
This class represents a single property contained within a PropertyGroup.
ResourcesConfigAdapter |
An abstraction for the ibm-fhir-server fhirServer/resources property group
SystemConfigHelper |
Helper to read system level properties (not from fhir-server-config)
TenantSpecificPropertyGroupCache |
This class implements a tenant-specific cache that holds PropertyGroup objects (i.e.