AlterSequenceStartWith |
Modify an existing sequence to start with a higher value
AlterTableAddColumn |
Add new columns to an existing table.
AlterTableIdentityCache |
Modify the CACHE property of an AS IDENTITY column (changes
the CACHE property of the underlying SEQUENCE).
BaseObject |
BigIntColumn |
Big Int Column
BlobColumn |
Binary Large OBject (BLOB) Column
CharColumn |
CheckConstraint |
Represents a table check constraint
ClobColumn |
Character Large OBject (CLOB) Column
ColumnBase |
An immutable definition of a column in a table
ColumnDef |
Represents a column definition in a table
ColumnDefBuilder |
Builder pattern to make it easy to add column definitions to an object (e.g.
Constraint |
Represents a named constraint on a table or column
CreateIndex |
Index creation definition for creating new indexes after the table has been defined
CreateIndex.Builder |
Builder to implement fluent construction of CreateIndex objects.
DatabaseObject |
Represents objects which are part of the database, but which do not belong to
a particular schema (like tablespace, for example).
DataModelVisitorBase |
A base implementation of the DataModelVisitor providing NOP overrides
for each of the visited methods.
DoubleColumn |
Double Column
ForeignKeyConstraint |
Represents a FOREIGN KEY constraint referencing the primary key
of a parent table
FunctionDef |
The definition of a function, whose content is provided by a Supplier function
GroupPrivilege |
Group Privilege
IdentityDef |
Represents the definition of a primary key constraint on a table
IndexDef |
Definition of an index on a table
InsertStatement |
Simple modeling of an insert statement.
InsertStatement.Builder |
IntColumn |
Int Column
NopObject |
A NOP (no operation) object which can be used to simplify dependencies
by making this object depend on other, then everything else simply
depend on this, should that be the sort of behavior you want.
ObjectGroup |
A collection of IDatabaseObject which are applied in order within one transaction
OrderedColumnDef |
Defines a column with ASC or DESC order and NULLS FIRST/LAST.
PhysicalDataModel |
Represents the set of tables and other schema objects that make up the
schema we want to build and manage.
PrimaryKeyDef |
Represents the definition of a primary key constraint on a table
ProcedureDef |
The definition of a stored procedure, whose content is provided by a Supplier function
Sequence |
Sequence related to the SQL sequence
SmallIntBooleanColumn |
Column acting as either a boolean or smallint depending on the underlying
database type
SmallIntColumn |
Small Int Column (2 bytes signed integer)
Table |
An immutable definition of a table
Table.Builder |
Builder for table
Tablespace |
Used to create and drop tablespaces within a database
TimestampColumn |
Timestamp Column
UniqueConstraint |
Constraint on unique
VarbinaryColumn |
Varbinary Column
VarcharColumn |
Defining the VarcharColumn
VersionedSchemaObject |
Base class for the schema object builders which also carry a version (change) number
View |
Defines a SQL VIEW object
View.Builder |
With |
WITH to set metadata on the table: WITH (fillfactor=70)