Class StructureMap.Group.Rule.Source

    • Method Detail

      • getContext

        public Id getContext()
        Type or variable this rule applies to.
        An immutable object of type Id that is non-null.
      • getMin

        public Integer getMin()
        Specified minimum cardinality for the element. This is optional; if present, it acts an implicit check on the input content.
        An immutable object of type Integer that may be null.
      • getMax

        public String getMax()
        Specified maximum cardinality for the element - a number or a "*". This is optional; if present, it acts an implicit check on the input content (* just serves as documentation; it's the default value).
        An immutable object of type String that may be null.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Specified type for the element. This works as a condition on the mapping - use for polymorphic elements.
        An immutable object of type String that may be null.
      • getElement

        public String getElement()
        Optional field for this source.
        An immutable object of type String that may be null.
      • getVariable

        public Id getVariable()
        Named context for field, if a field is specified.
        An immutable object of type Id that may be null.
      • getCondition

        public String getCondition()
        FHIRPath expression - must be true or the rule does not apply.
        An immutable object of type String that may be null.
      • getCheck

        public String getCheck()
        FHIRPath expression - must be true or the mapping engine throws an error instead of completing.
        An immutable object of type String that may be null.
      • getLogMessage

        public String getLogMessage()
        A FHIRPath expression which specifies a message to put in the transform log when content matching the source rule is found.
        An immutable object of type String that may be null.
      • accept

        public void accept​(java.lang.String elementName,
                           int elementIndex,
                           Visitor visitor)
        Description copied from interface: Visitable
        Accept a Visitor and invoke the appropriate visit methods. A typical implementation would look like this:
         if (visitor.preVisit(this)) {
             visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this);
             if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) {
                 // visit children
             visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this);
        Specified by:
        accept in interface Visitable
        Specified by:
        accept in class AbstractVisitable
        elementName - the name of the element in the context of this visit
        elementIndex - the index of the element in a list or -1 if it is not contained within a List
        visitor - the visitor to use
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object