Class NutritionOrderIntent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NutritionOrderIntent
    extends Code
    • Field Detail

      • PROPOSAL

        public static final NutritionOrderIntent PROPOSAL

        The request is a suggestion made by someone/something that does not have an intention to ensure it occurs and without providing an authorization to act.

      • PLAN

        public static final NutritionOrderIntent PLAN

        The request represents an intention to ensure something occurs without providing an authorization for others to act.


        public static final NutritionOrderIntent DIRECTIVE

        The request represents a legally binding instruction authored by a Patient or RelatedPerson.

      • ORDER

        public static final NutritionOrderIntent ORDER

        The request represents a request/demand and authorization for action by a Practitioner.


        public static final NutritionOrderIntent ORIGINAL_ORDER
        Original Order

        The request represents an original authorization for action.


        public static final NutritionOrderIntent REFLEX_ORDER
        Reflex Order

        The request represents an automatically generated supplemental authorization for action based on a parent authorization together with initial results of the action taken against that parent authorization.


        public static final NutritionOrderIntent FILLER_ORDER
        Filler Order

        The request represents the view of an authorization instantiated by a fulfilling system representing the details of the fulfiller's intention to act upon a submitted order.


        public static final NutritionOrderIntent INSTANCE_ORDER
        Instance Order

        An order created in fulfillment of a broader order that represents the authorization for a single activity occurrence. E.g. The administration of a single dose of a drug.

      • OPTION

        public static final NutritionOrderIntent OPTION

        The request represents a component or option for a RequestGroup that establishes timing, conditionality and/or other constraints among a set of requests. Refer to [[[RequestGroup]]] for additional information on how this status is used.

    • Method Detail

      • getValueAsEnum

        public NutritionOrderIntent.Value getValueAsEnum()
        Get the value of this NutritionOrderIntent as an enum constant.
      • of

        public static NutritionOrderIntent of​(java.lang.String value)
        Factory method for creating NutritionOrderIntent objects from a passed string value.
        value - A string that matches one of the allowed code values
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the passed string cannot be parsed into an allowed code value
      • string

        public static String string​(java.lang.String value)
        Inherited factory method for creating NutritionOrderIntent objects from a passed string value.
        value - A string that matches one of the allowed code values
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the passed string cannot be parsed into an allowed code value
      • code

        public static Code code​(java.lang.String value)
        Inherited factory method for creating NutritionOrderIntent objects from a passed string value.
        value - A string that matches one of the allowed code values
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the passed string cannot be parsed into an allowed code value
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class Code
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Code