Class FHIRPersistenceContextImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FHIRPersistenceContextImpl
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements FHIRPersistenceContext
    This class provides a concrete implementation of the FHIRPersistenceContext interface and is used to pass request context-related information to the persistence layer.
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestShard

        public java.lang.String getRequestShard()
        Description copied from interface: FHIRPersistenceContext
        Get the key used for sharding used by the distributed schema variant. If the tenant is not configured for distribution, the value will be null
        Specified by:
        getRequestShard in interface FHIRPersistenceContext
        the shard key value specified in the request
      • setRequestShard

        public void setRequestShard​(java.lang.String value)
        Set the shardKey value
        value -
      • setIfNoneMatch

        public void setIfNoneMatch​(java.lang.Integer ifNoneMatch)
        Setter for the If-None-Match header value
        ifNoneMatch -
      • getIfNoneMatch

        public java.lang.Integer getIfNoneMatch()
        Description copied from interface: FHIRPersistenceContext
        Get the encoded ifNoneMatch value which is interpreted as follows:
            null: create-on-update proceeds as normal
               0: create-on-update returns 304 if resource exists, 201 if created
        Specified by:
        getIfNoneMatch in interface FHIRPersistenceContext
        the value from the If-None-Match header in the PUT request
      • setOffloadResponse

        public void setOffloadResponse​(PayloadPersistenceResponse offloadResponse)
        offloadResponse - the offloadResponse to set