Class ParameterTransactionDataImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ParameterTransactionDataImpl
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements TransactionData
    Holds all the parameter data for a given datasource. This data will be persisted at the end of the current transaction
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParameterTransactionDataImpl

        public ParameterTransactionDataImpl​(java.lang.String datasourceId,
                                            FHIRPersistenceJDBCImpl impl,
                                            javax.transaction.UserTransaction userTransaction)
        Public constructor
        datasourceId -
        impl -
        userTransaction -
    • Method Detail

      • persist

        public void persist()
        Description copied from interface: TransactionData
        Persist the data. Don't propagate any exceptions. If an exception occurs, log the error and mark the transaction for rollback.
        Specified by:
        persist in interface TransactionData
      • addValue

        public void addValue​(ResourceTokenValueRec rec)
        Add this record to the list of records being accumulated in this transaction
        rec -
      • addReferenceValue

        public void addReferenceValue​(ResourceReferenceValueRec rec)
        Add the record to the list of reference values being accumulated in this transaction
        rec -
      • addValue

        public void addValue​(ResourceProfileRec rec)
        Add the given profile parameter record to the list of records being accumulated in this transaction data. The records will be inserted to the database together at the end, just prior to the commit (see persist()
        rec -
      • addTagValue

        public void addTagValue​(ResourceTokenValueRec rec)
        Add the given tag parameter record to the list of records being accumulated in this transaction data. The records will be inserted to the database together at the end, just prior to the commit (see persist()
        rec -
      • addSecurityValue

        public void addSecurityValue​(ResourceTokenValueRec rec)
        Add the given security parameter record to the list of records being accumulated in the transaction data. The records will be inserted to the database together at the end, just prior to the commit (see persist()
        rec -