Class FHIRDbTableDetailWriter

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FHIRDbTableDetailWriter​( output)
      Public constructor
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void index​(java.lang.String resourceType, java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String indexName, long indexSize)
      The size of an index
      void resource​(java.lang.String resourceType, long logicalResourceRowEstimate, long resourceRowEstimate, long totalTableSize, long totalIndexSize, long rowEstimate, long resourceTableSize, long resourceIndexSize)
      Resource-level summary
      void start()
      Called once before any of the other methods
      void table​(java.lang.String resourceType, java.lang.String tableName, boolean isParameter, long rowEstimate, long tableSize, long paramIndexSize)
      The size of a table
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FHIRDbTableDetailWriter

        public FHIRDbTableDetailWriter​( output)
        Public constructor
        output -
    • Method Detail

      • resource

        public void resource​(java.lang.String resourceType,
                             long logicalResourceRowEstimate,
                             long resourceRowEstimate,
                             long totalTableSize,
                             long totalIndexSize,
                             long rowEstimate,
                             long resourceTableSize,
                             long resourceIndexSize)
        Description copied from interface: FHIRDbSizeModelVisitor
        Resource-level summary
        Specified by:
        resource in interface FHIRDbSizeModelVisitor
        resourceType - the FHIR resource type name
        logicalResourceRowEstimate - estimate of rows in xx_logical_resources
        resourceRowEstimate - estimate of rows in xx_resources
        totalTableSize - the database level total table size
        totalIndexSize - the database level total index size
        rowEstimate - the estimated number of row across all tables for the given resource
        resourceTableSize - the resource level total table size
        resourceIndexSize - the resource level total index size
      • table

        public void table​(java.lang.String resourceType,
                          java.lang.String tableName,
                          boolean isParameter,
                          long rowEstimate,
                          long tableSize,
                          long paramIndexSize)
        Description copied from interface: FHIRDbSizeModelVisitor
        The size of a table
        Specified by:
        table in interface FHIRDbSizeModelVisitor
      • index

        public void index​(java.lang.String resourceType,
                          java.lang.String tableName,
                          java.lang.String indexName,
                          long indexSize)
        Description copied from interface: FHIRDbSizeModelVisitor
        The size of an index
        Specified by:
        index in interface FHIRDbSizeModelVisitor