LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example Communication: Engagement Communication Example

Generated Narrative: Communication

Resource Communication "EngagementCommunicationExample"

Information Source:!

Profile: Engagement Communication


Communication Contact: 808-248-8689(MOBILE)

Communication Template: dm-template

Communication Payload Data: {shortCode = '888-111'}

Communication Product: Care Gap (Engagement Product Codes#care-gap)

Conversation Type: Health reminders associated with a gap in care (Engagement Conversation Type Codes#gap-in-care)

Communication On-Behalf Of: PractitionerRole/CDMPractitionerRole-Attributed-PCP

Communication Measure: Measure/QualityMeasureExample "Diabetes_HbA1c_Test_Performed"

Communication Care Gap: dm-hba1c-caregap-poor-control

Communication Priority Sequence: 1

Communication Reengagement

value: 1

value: 1st reengagement

Communication Language: en-US

Communication Retry Limit: 5

Communication Vendor: Organization/CommunicationVendor1 "Communication Vendor 1"

identifier: Derived Resource Identifier: de25d288-120e-47c1-bb76-caac8bc3f439

basedOn: CommunicationRequest/EngagementCommunicationRequestExample

status: in-progress

statusReason: In-Process - SMS text queued (Engagement Communication Status Reason Codes#sms-queued; Engagement Communication Status Reason Codes#sms-sending "In-Process - Sending SMS text")

category: Notification (CommunicationCategory#notification)

priority: routine

medium: Sms Text (Engagement Communication Mode Codes#sms)

subject: Patient/CDMPatientInstance " MCLASTNAME"

about: DetectedIssue/CareGapDetectedIssueExample

recipient: Patient/CDMPatientInstance " MCLASTNAME"

sender: Organization/HDC "HDC"


*Our records indicate you are overdue for a medical appointment. Please contact [PRACTIIONER-NAME] at [FACILITY-NAME], [FACILTY-PHONE] to schedule an appointment.