LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Engagement Communication Request Status Reason Value Set

Official URL: Version: 8.0.0
Active as of 2022-11-10 Computable Name: EngagementCommunicationRequestStatusReasonValueSet

Status codes detailing the reason and status history for an Engagement communication request.


Logical Definition (CLD)



This value set contains 61 concepts

Expansion based on Engagement Communication Request Status Reason Codes v8.0.0 (CodeSystem)

  mu-no-email-data Unavailable - No email address

Email mode unavailable because patient does not have a valid email address.

  mu-no-sms-data Unavailable - No mobile phone

SMS text mode unavailable because patient does not have a valid mobile phone number.

  mu-opt-out-email Unavailable - Patient opt-out from email

Email mode unavailable because patient has opted out of email communications.

  mu-opt-out-sms Unavailable - Patient opt-out from sms

Phone mode unavailable because patient has opted out of phone communications.

  mu-over-comm-email Unavailable - Over-communicaton limit met for email

Email mode unavailable because patient over-communicatin limit has been met for email.

  mu-over-comm-sms Unavailable - Over-communicaton limit met for SMS text

SMS text mode unavailable because patient over-communicatin limit has been met for SMS text.

  mu-sender-email-disabled Unavailable - Email disabled for sender

Email mode unavailable because sender has email communications disabled.

  mu-sender-sms-disabled Unavailable - SMS text disabled for sender

SMS text mode unavailabe because sender has SMS text communications disabled.

  mu-tenant-email-disabled Unavailable - Email disabled for tenant

Email mode unavailable because tenant has email communications disabled.

  mu-tenant-sms-disabled Unavailable - SMS text disabled for tenant

SMS text mode unavailabe because tenant has SMS text communications disabled.

  comm-volume-exceeded Processed - Sender max communication volume exceeded

CommunicationRequest not processed because the maximum daily communication volume treshhold was exceeded for the sender.

  higher-priotity-care-gap Processed - Higher priority care gap on same date

CommunicationRequest not processed because of a higher priority care gap on the same date.

  np-another-concern Processed - Another concern

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they have another concerns.

  np-anytime-workflow-pending Processed - Anytime workflow pending

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient has an anytime worflow pending.

  np-conversation-abandoned Processed - Conversation abandoned

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient abandoned the conversation or conversation timed out.

  np-eligible-modality Processed - No eligible modality found for patient

CommunicationRequest not processed because no eligible modality was found for the patient.

  np-financial-concern Processed - Financial concern

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they have financial concerns.

  np-learn-more Processed - Learn more

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicated they want to learn more about the service.

  np-look-back-pending Processed - Look-back pending

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient has already been contacted for this care gap and look-back period is pending.

  np-no-email-data Processed - No email address

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have a valid email address.

  np-no-sms-data Processed - No mobile phone

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have a valid mobile phone number.

  np-opt-out-care-gap Processed - Patient opt-out of care gap

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient has opted out of communications for this care gap only.

  np-opt-out-conv-type Processed - Patient opt-out of converstaion type

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient has opted out of communications for the converation type.

  np-opt-out-email Processed - Patient opt-out from email

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient has opted out of email communications.

  np-opt-out-sms Processed - Patient opt-out from sms

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient has opted out of phone communications.

  np-over-comm-email Processed - Over-communication limit met for email

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient over-communication limit has been met for email.

  np-over-comm-sms Processed - Over-communication limit met for SMS text

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient over-communication limit has been met for SMS text.

  np-patient-appointment-scheduled Processed - Patient appointment scheduled

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates that an appointment has been scheduled.

  np-patient-service-complete Processed - Patient service complete

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates that the service has been completed.

  np-pcp-not-found Processed - PCP not found

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they could not find a PCP.

  np-pcp-not-correct Processed - PCP not correct

CommunicationRequest not processed because teh patient indicates an incorrectly attributed PCP.

  np-pcp-help Processed - PCP Help

CommunicationRequest not processed because the Patient indicates they have a PCP but we don’t know who it is, requests assistance.

  np-reminder1-pending Processed - Reminder 1 pending

CommunicationRequest not processed because first reminder is pending.

  np-reminder2-pending Processed - Reminder 2 pending

CommunicationRequest not processed because second reminder is pending.

  np-reminder-wait Processed - Reminder wait

CommunicationRequest not processed because we are in a reminder wait period.

  np-sender-email-disabled Processed - Email disabled for sender

CommunicationRequest not processed because sender has email communications disabled.

  np-sender-sms-disabled Processed - SMS text disabled for sender

CommunicationRequest not processed because sender has SMS text communications disabled.

  np-service-refused Processed - Service refused

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they refuse the service.

  np-std-care-gap-pending Processed - Standard care gap pending

CommunicationRequest not processed because conversation was not activated after multiple attempts. Standard care gap communication sent.

  np-tenant-email-disabled Processed - Email disabled for tenant

CommunicationRequest not processed because tenant has email communications disabled.

  np-tenant-sms-disabled Processed - SMS text disabled for tenant

CommunicationRequest not processed because tenant has SMS text communications disabled.

  np-today-holiday Processed - Today is a holiday

CommunicationRequest not processed because tenant has this date configured as a holiday.

  no-comm-health-reminder Processed - Patient health reminders disabled

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged with 'No health reminders' importance code that disabled health reminder communications.

  no-consent-communication Processed - No communication consent

CommunicationRequest not processed because the recipient has not consented to communication.

  no-contact-data Processed - Patient does not have contact data

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have valid contact data for any of the modalities.

  no-preferred-contact Processed - No preferred contact

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient does not have preferred contact information for communication.

  no-sender processed - No sender / attributed practitioner

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have an attributed practitioner/location or a sender record.

  opt-out-care-gap processed - Patient opt-out from care gap

CommunicationRequest not processed because the recipient is opted out of communication from care gapt.

  opt-out-product Processed - Patient opt-out from product

CommunicationRequest not processed because the recipient is opted out of communication from product.

  patient-already-contacted Processed - Patient already contacted

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient has already been contacted successfully in the past X days.

  patient-appointment-recompliant Processed - Patient complient with an appointment

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient has a recent or future appointment scheduled with the attributed practitioner.

  patient-bad-debt Processed - Bad-debt patient

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient is in collections or has an unpaid account on file (bad-debt).

  patient-deceased Processed - Deceased patient

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient is deceased.

  patient-do-not-contact Processed - Do-not-contact patient

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged as a do-not-contact patient to prevent communication.

  patient-privacy Processed - Privacy concerned patient

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged with a 'Privacy concerned patient' code tahtat prevents communications.

  patient-inactive Processed - Patient is inactive

CommunicationRequest not processed because the patient is marked as inactive in the source system of record.

  patient-vip Processed - VIP patient

CommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged with a VIP code that prevents communications.

  practitioner-care-gap-disabled Processed - Practitioner care gap disabled

CommunicationRequest not processed because the attributed practitioner has the care gap disabled.

  ns-stalled-scheduler Sent - Message not sent during the schedule period

CommunicationRequest not sent because the message was not send during the scheduled period.

  ns-user-remove-message Sent - User removed communication from message queue

CommunicationRequest not sent because the user remove the communication from the message queue.

  request-complete - Communication request complete

Communication in-progress, FHIR CommunicationRequest completed and delivered to the communication engine

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code