LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - draft United States of America flag

LinuxForHealth FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v8.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Engagement Communication Request Status Reason Codes

Official URL: Version: 8.0.0
Active as of 2022-11-10 Computable Name: EngagementCommunicationRequestStatusReasonCodeSystem

Status codes detailing the reason and status history for an Engagement communication request.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

mu-no-email-data Mode Unavailable - No email addressEmail mode unavailable because patient does not have a valid email address.
mu-no-sms-data Mode Unavailable - No mobile phoneSMS text mode unavailable because patient does not have a valid mobile phone number.
mu-opt-out-email Mode Unavailable - Patient opt-out from emailEmail mode unavailable because patient has opted out of email communications.
mu-opt-out-sms Mode Unavailable - Patient opt-out from smsPhone mode unavailable because patient has opted out of phone communications.
mu-over-comm-email Mode Unavailable - Over-communicaton limit met for emailEmail mode unavailable because patient over-communicatin limit has been met for email.
mu-over-comm-sms Mode Unavailable - Over-communicaton limit met for SMS textSMS text mode unavailable because patient over-communicatin limit has been met for SMS text.
mu-sender-email-disabled Mode Unavailable - Email disabled for senderEmail mode unavailable because sender has email communications disabled.
mu-sender-sms-disabled Mode Unavailable - SMS text disabled for senderSMS text mode unavailabe because sender has SMS text communications disabled.
mu-tenant-email-disabled Mode Unavailable - Email disabled for tenantEmail mode unavailable because tenant has email communications disabled.
mu-tenant-sms-disabled Mode Unavailable - SMS text disabled for tenantSMS text mode unavailabe because tenant has SMS text communications disabled.
comm-volume-exceeded Not Processed - Sender max communication volume exceededCommunicationRequest not processed because the maximum daily communication volume treshhold was exceeded for the sender.
higher-priotity-care-gap Not Processed - Higher priority care gap on same dateCommunicationRequest not processed because of a higher priority care gap on the same date.
np-another-concern Not Processed - Another concernCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they have another concerns.
np-anytime-workflow-pending Not Processed - Anytime workflow pendingCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient has an anytime worflow pending.
np-conversation-abandoned Not Processed - Conversation abandonedCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient abandoned the conversation or conversation timed out.
np-eligible-modality Not Processed - No eligible modality found for patientCommunicationRequest not processed because no eligible modality was found for the patient.
np-financial-concern Not Processed - Financial concernCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they have financial concerns.
np-learn-more Not Processed - Learn moreCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicated they want to learn more about the service.
np-look-back-pending Not Processed - Look-back pendingCommunicationRequest not processed because patient has already been contacted for this care gap and look-back period is pending.
np-no-email-data Not Processed - No email addressCommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have a valid email address.
np-no-sms-data Not Processed - No mobile phoneCommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have a valid mobile phone number.
np-opt-out-care-gap Not Processed - Patient opt-out of care gapCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient has opted out of communications for this care gap only.
np-opt-out-conv-type Not Processed - Patient opt-out of converstaion typeCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient has opted out of communications for the converation type.
np-opt-out-email Not Processed - Patient opt-out from emailCommunicationRequest not processed because patient has opted out of email communications.
np-opt-out-sms Not Processed - Patient opt-out from smsCommunicationRequest not processed because patient has opted out of phone communications.
np-over-comm-email Not Processed - Over-communication limit met for emailCommunicationRequest not processed because patient over-communication limit has been met for email.
np-over-comm-sms Not Processed - Over-communication limit met for SMS textCommunicationRequest not processed because patient over-communication limit has been met for SMS text.
np-patient-appointment-scheduled Not Processed - Patient appointment scheduledCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates that an appointment has been scheduled.
np-patient-service-complete Not Processed - Patient service completeCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates that the service has been completed.
np-pcp-not-found Not Processed - PCP not foundCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they could not find a PCP.
np-pcp-not-correct Not Processed - PCP not correctCommunicationRequest not processed because teh patient indicates an incorrectly attributed PCP.
np-pcp-help Not Processed - PCP HelpCommunicationRequest not processed because the Patient indicates they have a PCP but we don’t know who it is, requests assistance.
np-reminder1-pending Not Processed - Reminder 1 pendingCommunicationRequest not processed because first reminder is pending.
np-reminder2-pending Not Processed - Reminder 2 pendingCommunicationRequest not processed because second reminder is pending.
np-reminder-wait Not Processed - Reminder waitCommunicationRequest not processed because we are in a reminder wait period.
np-sender-email-disabled Not Processed - Email disabled for senderCommunicationRequest not processed because sender has email communications disabled.
np-sender-sms-disabled Not Processed - SMS text disabled for senderCommunicationRequest not processed because sender has SMS text communications disabled.
np-service-refused Not Processed - Service refusedCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient indicates they refuse the service.
np-std-care-gap-pending Not Processed - Standard care gap pendingCommunicationRequest not processed because conversation was not activated after multiple attempts. Standard care gap communication sent.
np-tenant-email-disabled Not Processed - Email disabled for tenantCommunicationRequest not processed because tenant has email communications disabled.
np-tenant-sms-disabled Not Processed - SMS text disabled for tenantCommunicationRequest not processed because tenant has SMS text communications disabled.
np-today-holiday Not Processed - Today is a holidayCommunicationRequest not processed because tenant has this date configured as a holiday.
no-comm-health-reminder Not Processed - Patient health reminders disabledCommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged with 'No health reminders' importance code that disabled health reminder communications.
no-consent-communication Not Processed - No communication consentCommunicationRequest not processed because the recipient has not consented to communication.
no-contact-data Not Processed - Patient does not have contact dataCommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have valid contact data for any of the modalities.
no-preferred-contact Not Processed - No preferred contactCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient does not have preferred contact information for communication.
no-sender Not processed - No sender / attributed practitionerCommunicationRequest not processed because patient does not have an attributed practitioner/location or a sender record.
opt-out-care-gap Not processed - Patient opt-out from care gapCommunicationRequest not processed because the recipient is opted out of communication from care gapt.
opt-out-product Not Processed - Patient opt-out from productCommunicationRequest not processed because the recipient is opted out of communication from product.
patient-already-contacted Not Processed - Patient already contactedCommunicationRequest not processed because patient has already been contacted successfully in the past X days.
patient-appointment-recompliant Not Processed - Patient complient with an appointmentCommunicationRequest not processed because patient has a recent or future appointment scheduled with the attributed practitioner.
patient-bad-debt Not Processed - Bad-debt patientCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient is in collections or has an unpaid account on file (bad-debt).
patient-deceased Not Processed - Deceased patientCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient is deceased.
patient-do-not-contact Not Processed - Do-not-contact patientCommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged as a do-not-contact patient to prevent communication.
patient-privacy Not Processed - Privacy concerned patientCommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged with a 'Privacy concerned patient' code tahtat prevents communications.
patient-inactive Not Processed - Patient is inactiveCommunicationRequest not processed because the patient is marked as inactive in the source system of record.
patient-vip Not Processed - VIP patientCommunicationRequest not processed because patient is flagged with a VIP code that prevents communications.
practitioner-care-gap-disabled Not Processed - Practitioner care gap disabledCommunicationRequest not processed because the attributed practitioner has the care gap disabled.
ns-stalled-scheduler Not Sent - Message not sent during the schedule periodCommunicationRequest not sent because the message was not send during the scheduled period.
ns-user-remove-message Not Sent - User removed communication from message queueCommunicationRequest not sent because the user remove the communication from the message queue.
request-complete In-Process - Communication request completeCommunication in-progress, FHIR CommunicationRequest completed and delivered to the communication engine