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LinuxForHealth FHIR Server Bulk Data Guide


The LinuxForHealth FHIR Server has extended operations for Bulk Data $import, $export and $bulkdata-status, which are implemented in the modules:

fhir-operation-bulkdataImplements the FHIR Operations $import and $export and translate bulk data requests into JSR352 Java Batch jobs
fhir-bulkdata-webappStandalone web application to process bulk data requests as JSR352 Java Batch jobs

The LinuxForHealth FHIR Server bulk data module configuration is described in more detail at the FHIR Server Users Guide.

Export Operation: $export

The $export operation uses three OperationDefinition:

  • System - Export data from the server. Exports to an S3-compatible data store.
  • Patient - Obtain a set of resources pertaining to all patients. Exports to an S3-compatible data store.
  • Group - Obtain a set of resources pertaining to patients in a specific Group. Only supports static membership; does not resolve inclusion/exclusion criteria.

The export is in the ndjson format.

$export: Create a Bulk Data Request

To create an export request, the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server requires the body fields of the request object to be a FHIR Resource Parameters JSON Object. The request must be posted to the server using POST. Each request is limited to a single resource type in each imported or referenced file.

Example Request - GET

The following is a request to export data to the IBM COS endpoint from the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server using GET.

curl -k -u "fhiruser:change-password" -H "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" \
-X GET 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$export?_outputFormat=application/fhir%2Bndjson&_type=Patient' -v

Example Request - POST

The following is a request to export data to the IBM COS endpoint from the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server using POST and Parameters resource.

curl -k -u "fhiruser:change-password" -H "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" \
-X POST 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$export' \
-d '{
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"id": "e33a6a4e-29b5-4f62-a3e9-8d09f50ae54d",
"parameter": [
"name": "_outputFormat",
"valueString": "application/fhir+ndjson"

Import Operation: $import

The $import operation is a system-level operation invoked at [base]/$import. The Import Operation uses a custom crafted OperationDefinition link, which follows the proposal from Smart-on-FHIR:

$import: Create a Bulk Data Request

To create an import request, the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server requires the body fields of the request object to be a FHIR Resource Parameters JSON Object. The request must be posted to the server using POST. Each input url in the request is limited to a single resource type.

The LinuxForHealth FHIR Server limits the number of inputs per each $import request based on fhirServer/bulkdata/maxInputPerRequest, which defaults to 5 input entries.

The LinuxForHealth FHIR Server supports storageDetail.type with the value of ibm-cos, https, azure-blob and aws-s3.

To import using the $import on https, one must additionally configure the fhirServer/bulkdata/validBaseUrls. For example, if one stores bulkdata on and you must specify both baseUrls. Please refer to the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server User’s Guide. Please note, the BulkData Operations do not support import from http://.

Example Request

The following is a request to load data from the IBM COS endpoint into the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server.

curl -k -v -X POST -u "fhiruser:change-password" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json' 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$import' \
-d '{
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"id": "30321130-5032-49fb-be54-9b8b82b2445a",
"parameter": [
"name": "inputFormat",
"valueString": "application/fhir+ndjson"

Example Response

The response body is populated only on error, the response status code is 202 and the content-location is populated with the polling location in a response header:

Content-Location: https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$bulkdata-status?job=JKyViJ5Y0zcqQ2Uv1aBSMw%3D%3D

Status Operation: $bulkdata-status

The StatusOperation is a BulkData Management endpoint, which uses the Content-Location’s http query parameter value for job to manage the Bulk Data job request.

There are two custom features - Poll Job and Delete Job.

$bulkdata-status: Poll Job

The response returned is 202 if the job is queued or not yet complete.

Note: If the job is stopped, e.g, due to shutdown of the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server where the job is running the bulkdata job, then upon polling the status of the bulkdata job, the server restarts the JavaBatch job, and the response to the client is Accepted: 202. The response returned is 200 if the job is completed.

The following is a sample path to the exported ndjson file, the full path can be found in the response to the polling location request after the export request (please refer to the FHIR BulkDataAccess specification for details).



  • Request
curl -k -v -u "fhiruser:change-password" \
  • Response for $import or $export not yet complete The response code is 202.

  • Response for $export upon completion

"transactionTime": "2020/01/20 16:53:41.160 -0500",
"request": "/$export?_type=Patient",
"requiresAccessToken": false,
"output" : [
{ "type" : "AllergyIntolerance",
"url": "",
"count": 20},
{ "type" : "AllergyIntolerance",
  • Response for $import upon completion
"transactionTime": "2020-04-28T13:13:01.366-04:00",
"request": "$import",
"requiresAccessToken": false,
"output": [
"type": "OperationOutcome",
"url": "test-import.ndjson_oo_success.ndjson",
"count": 3

$bulkdata-status: Delete Job

The Bulk Data Request is deleted using the Content-Location and executing the DELETE method. The deletion of a job is asynchronous - the job is stopped and subsequently deleted. The data is not cleaned up from the destination storage location - e.g. partially imported data or partially exported data is not cleaned up.

  • Request
curl -k -v -u "fhiruser:change-password" -X DELETE \
  • Response The response returned is 202 if the job deletion is not yet complete. The response returned is 200 if the job deletion is completed.


  1. For status codes, if there is an error on the server a 500 is returned, or if there is a client request error, a 400 is returned.
  2. There are integration tests which exercise the various features of the Bulk Data Operations - ImportOperationTest and ExportOperationTest. These integration tests are useful for testing the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server, and may be useful for developers wanting to build their own tests.
  3. Depending on the access policy of your export location, one may download the content using a command like curl -o Patient_1.ndjson
  4. The use of Basic Authentication fhiruser:change-password is expected to be changed to match your environment authentication routine.