Kubernetes Support


We provide example kubernetes yaml files that enable the deployment of connect and support services (Kafka, Zookeeper, NATS & IBM FHIR Server) on a Kubernetes Cluster. Advanced users can tweak these yaml files to allow for customizations and achieving granular control on deployments.


Deploying LFH connect on a Kubernetes cluster requires the following:

  1. A working k8s cluster - check Minikube & Docker Desktop Kubernetes support.

  2. mkcert for generating local trusted certificates.

  3. Basic know-how on creating k8s configmaps (examples provided) and enabling volume mounts in order to make signed root CA certs & keys avaiable to containers.

Create Certs

Generate trusted local certs for connect and supporting services for your kubernetes environment:

# Run the ``install-certificates.sh`` script provided in ``connect/local-certs``

Create Configmaps for connect

The following configmaps are required to be created for connect (as defined in connect-deployment.yml):

kubectl -n <namespace-for-config-map> create configmap lfh-pemstore --from-file=lfh.pem

kubectl -n <namespace-for-config-map> create configmap lfh-keystore --from-file=lfh.key

kubectl -n <namespace-for-config-map> create configmap ca-nats --from-file=rootCA.pem

kubectl -n <namespace-for-config-map> create configmap nats-pemstore --from-file=nats-server.pem

kubectl -n <namespace-for-config-map> create configmap nats-keystore --from-file=nats-server.key

Please see example here.

Make NATS certs available

NATS certificates are mounted as a hostPath volume. That would require making the NATS certs available on each node of the kubernetes cluster in the location specified in the yaml file for nats-js. The directory path on the host node(s) should be referenced here under the volumes label.

Deploying connect & Support Services

Example deployment yaml’s are provided for reference in each of the sub-folders within connect/k8s-deployment directory.

  • nats-js/ - Provides an out-of-the-box deployment for NATS Server and Jetstream – mount /path/to/nats-server-certs/ directory with the hostPath directive - check nats-with-jetstream.yml for example.

  • kafka-zk/ - Provides an out-of-the-box deployment for Kafka and ZooKeeper - exposes localhost:9094 as the broker.

  • ibm-fhir/ - Fires up the IBM FHIR Server; documentation here.

  • connect/ - Deploys the connect application to work with NATS and Kafka in the same namespace - create configmaps as described above and reference them in the deployment yaml’s before connect can be deployed.

Helper scripts for deployment

Although the deployment yaml’s in the sub-directories can be altered for achieving granular control, we provide helper shell scripts to deploy connect and required supporting services for users who are not familiar with tuning k8s deployments. All helper scripts require the -n (namespace) option.

Here are helpful descriptions for each script:

  • deployment-up.sh - Creates the input namespace (if it doesn’t exist) and deploys connect along with all supporting services (Note: Configmaps referenced in this README should be created and appropriately referenced in the yamls for all services to work correctly)

  • deployment-down.sh - Deletes all kubernetes resources for connect and supporting services for the input namespace. This script does not delete the namespace.

  • delete-k8s-ns.sh - Deletes the input kubernetes namespace. NOTE: Using this script will permanently delete all kubernetes resources on the namespace. If you are not sure what this means or if you have deployed connect and supporting services on a kuberentes namespace that has other software artifacts deployed, please do not use this script.