Message Structure
This section describes the message structure used by LinuxForHealth connect, and shows typical examples.
The following JSON message structure is used throughout LinuxForHealth:
uuid: uuid,
lfh_id: string,
creation_date: datetime,
store_date: datetime,
consuming_endpoint_url: string,
data: string,
data_format: string,
status: string,
data_record_location: string,
target_endpoint_url: string,
elapsed_storage_time: float,
transmit_date: datetime,
elapsed_transmit_time: float,
elapsed_total_time: float
The LinuxForHealth connect message format captures metadata pertaining to the data transaction. Data is received via an endpoint, as noted by the consuming_endpoint_url, and then persisted to the connect database. Data is transmitted to an external service if a transmission URL is configured.
Key |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
string |
The message uuid assigned during route invocation. |
lfh_id |
string |
The LinuxForHealth connect node identifier. |
creation_date |
datetime |
The message creation timestamp. |
store_date |
datetime |
The message storage timestamp. |
consuming_endpoint_url |
string |
The LinuxForHealth connect endpoint which received the message. |
data |
string |
Data content received as a base-64 encoded string. |
status |
string |
Indicates if the message was persisted. Either “success” or “error”. |
data_record_location |
string |
The data record’s URI within the LinuxForHealth connect datastore. |
target_endpoint_url |
string |
The external URL where the data is transmitted. |
elapsed_storage_time |
float |
Elapsed data storage time in seconds. |
transmit_date |
datetime |
The data transmission timestamp. |
elapsed_transmit_time |
datetime |
Elapsed external transmission time in seconds. |
elapsed_total_time |
datetime |
Elapsed total transmission time including storage and transmission |
The LinuxForHealth message for a FHIR-R4 Patient resource which is persisted to the connect db:
"uuid": "fd09c54d-4e64-478c-93bb-456e0cfe67f4",
"lfh_id": "",
"creation_date": "2021-04-07T21:08:45+00:00",
"store_date": "2021-04-07T21:08:45+00:00",
"consuming_endpoint_url": "/fhir/Patient",
"data": "eyJiaXJ0aERhdGUiOiAiMTk3NC0xMi0yNSIsICJnZW5kZXIiOiAibWFsZSIsICJpZGVudGlmaWVyIjogW3sic3lzdGVtIjogInVybjpvaWQ6MS4yLjM2LjE0Ni41OTUuMjE3LjAuMSIsICJ2YWx1ZSI6ICIxMjM0NSJ9XSwgIm5hbWUiOiBbeyJmYW1pbHkiOiAiRHVjayIsICJnaXZlbiI6IFsiRG9uYWxkIiwgIkQuIl19XSwgInJlc291cmNlVHlwZSI6ICJQYXRpZW50In0=",
"data_format": "FHIR-R4",
"status": null,
"data_record_location": null,
"target_endpoint_url": null,
"elapsed_storage_time": null,
"transmit_date": null,
"elapsed_transmit_time": null,
"elapsed_total_time": null
The data field contains a base64-encoded version of the original data sent to LinuxForHealth. Some fields, like data_record_location, are not available until after the storage is complete.
When a transaction is complete, the resulting LinuxForHealth message contains the data_record_location, as well as the storage status and metrics such as elapsed_storage_time:
"uuid": "290487e0-2864-445b-acc7-907c227ba2d3",
"lfh_id": "3b935d2b1441",
"creation_date": "2021-04-09T20:34:36+00:00",
"store_date": "2021-04-09T20:34:36+00:00",
"consuming_endpoint_url": "/fhir/Patient",
"data": "eyJpZCI6ICIwMDEiLCAiYWN0aXZlIjogdHJ1ZSwgInJlc291cmNlVHlwZSI6ICJQYXRpZW50In0=",
"data_format": "FHIR-R4",
"status": "success",
"data_record_location": "FHIR-R4:0:0",
"target_endpoint_url": null,
"elapsed_storage_time": 1.64379,
"transmit_date": null,
"elapsed_transmit_time": null,
"elapsed_total_time": 1.680011
You may also define an external server to which LinuxForHealth will send messages, such as a FHIR server. In this case, the message stored in the connect DB will include a value for target_endpoint_url:
"uuid": "fd09c54d-4e64-478c-93bb-456e0cfe67f4",
"lfh_id": "",
"creation_date": "2021-04-07T21:08:45+00:00",
"store_date": "2021-04-07T21:08:45+00:00",
"consuming_endpoint_url": "/fhir/Patient",
"data": "eyJiaXJ0aERhdGUiOiAiMTk3NC0xMi0yNSIsICJnZW5kZXIiOiAibWFsZSIsICJpZGVudGlmaWVyIjogW3sic3lzdGVtIjogInVybjpvaWQ6MS4yLjM2LjE0Ni41OTUuMjE3LjAuMSIsICJ2YWx1ZSI6ICIxMjM0NSJ9XSwgIm5hbWUiOiBbeyJmYW1pbHkiOiAiRHVjayIsICJnaXZlbiI6IFsiRG9uYWxkIiwgIkQuIl19XSwgInJlc291cmNlVHlwZSI6ICJQYXRpZW50In0=",
"data_format": "FHIR-R4",
"status": null,
"data_record_location": null,
"target_endpoint_url": "https://fhiruser:change-password@localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4",
"elapsed_storage_time": null,
"transmit_date": null,
"elapsed_transmit_time": null,
"elapsed_total_time": null
When an external server is defined, the return value is the actual response from that external server (such as an HTTP 201 - created response). In this case, the LinuxForHealth message UUID is included in the LinuxForHealth-MessageId header of the response.